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Acorn Circle: Coyote and the Fish Trap in Oakridge

“Coyote and the Fish Trap” storybook, Past/Present tense verbs, and Make Your Own Coyote Mask
This free learning session will include hearing the story “Coyote and the Fish Trap”, learning about tenses in verbs, learning a few words in Chinuk wawa and making a paper coyote mask to take home.

Native American Cultural Presentation in Oakridge

Join us for a wonderful cultural presentation with Deitrich Peters of the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde!
Join us at the Oakridge community center in October, in honor of Native American Heritage Month (which occurs in November), with Deitrich Peters of the Grand Ronde Tribe. Deitrich (Deitz) has graciously agreed to share elements of his regalia and will play flute music, talk about his culture, and answer questions. SCEC Executive Director Karen Rainsong will attend and display items of Kalapuya material culture. Best for ages 8 and up.