Learn about the famous pioneer girl, Opal Whiteley, as you explore nature! Opal was a nature lover who kept a childhood diary relating her adventures in the woods around Cottage Grove, including her “explores” with her animal friends. We will make fairy houses, create a journal and write and sketch in nature, explore around the park and the river, and discover pioneer life.
Enjoy visits from special guests who teach us about eco-friendly living, how to take care of the Earth and reduce our waste. Opal would appreciate our lessons on how to be kind to all beings and the Earth.
We’ll have lots of fun as we learn to appreciate Opal’s youthful relationship to the natural world. You can wear your own dress up clothes or borrow some of ours.
Location: the Annex building behind Wildwood Chapel in Eugene, a country setting out Lorane Hwy.
Address: 85780 McBeth Rd. Eugene, OR 97405